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Poppy Field

Athena Salaba, Ph.D.


Service and leadership roles, engagement in the international field of library and information science (LIS)

University citizenship

  • Faculty Senate. Senator, Executive Committee

  • Kent State Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP-KSU). Executive Committee, Secretary, Councilor

  • Faculty Senate Budget Advisory Committee (FaSBAC)

  • Educational Policies Council (EPC). Executive Committee

  • Professional Standards Committee (PSC)

  • Faculty Ethics Committee (FEC)

  • Advisory Committee on Academic Assessment (ACAA)

  • Student Media Policy Committee

  • Search Committees for Leadership and Administrative Positions


National Engagement

  • American Library Association.

    • Committee on Accreditation. Member, Chair

    • Committee on Accreditation. External Review Panel. Member, Chair

    • ALCTS. CaMMS. Subject Analysis Committee. Member, Chair 

    • Competencies & Education for a Career in Cataloging IG. Co-Chair 


International Engagement

  • Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T). Standards Committee

  • Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). 

    • Professional Contribution. Member, Chair

    • Nominating Committee. Member, Chair

    • Jean Tague Sutcliff Doctoral Poster Competition Committee, Co-chair, Judge

  • ​International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

    • ​Division Committee H, Chair and Professional Council Member

    • Subject Analysis and Access (SAA) Standing Committee. Member, Chair

    • Bibliographic Conceptual Models Review Group (BCM-RG). Member

    • Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Review Group (FRBR-RG). Member

    • Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAR) Review Group. Member

    • Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAR) Working Group. Co-chair and Secretary

  • ​International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)

    • Board of Directors​

    • Treasurer

    • Secretary & Treasurer​


Leadership Development 

  • MAC-ALDP: Mid-American Conference (MAC) Academic Leadership Program (ALDP)

  • ALISE Leadership Academy

  • Kent State University. Intercultural Train the Trainer Program (Inaugural program)

  • Kent State University. College of Communication and Information. Dean’s Administrative Fellowship

  • Kent State University. Institute for Excellence for Individual Contributors (Leadership program)

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