The following can be used or adapted for educational purposes.
MS Word form listing major WEM elements from the original RDA
MS Word document including mongraphic text fixed fields (OCLC labels) and major fields
major WEM elements from the original RDA with alignment to MARC fields
External links
RDA Toolkit - Full Record Examples of RDA Cataloging
Authority Records. (2016). Complete Examples
Bibliographic Records. (2016). Complete Examples
RDA Toolkit - RDA Entities, Elements, and Relationships
Primary Relationships. (2016). Novel
Person Relationship. (2016). Alternate Identity
Work Relationships. (2016). Adaptations
Work Relationships. (2016). Whole-Part
Library of Congress
Library of Congress. RDA Bibliographic Record Practice Workform (2015). MARC fields, book
Library of Congress. RDA Records examples (2015)
Librarianship Studies and Information Technology
Resource Description and Access Blog
RDA Template for Place Name (2012)
RDA Template for Conference, Meeting, and Symposium Name (2012)
Miscellaneous Templates and Guidelines
Cambridge University. RDA Copy-Cataloguing Cheat Sheet (n.d.)
University of California, San Diego. Cheat Sheet for RDA Serials Cataloging (CSR) (2019)
Yale University Library. Cataloging E-Serials Cheat Sheet (n.d.).
Carleton University Library. Cataloguing using RDA: Board Games (2016)
UH-Mānoa Outreach College. Cataloging with RDA: DVD Template and Guidelines (2015)